The Nest Journal
/nest/ noun : a place of rest, retreat, or lodging : HOME
A Few Of My Favorite Things
A Few Of My Favorite Things
“Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
Snow flakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into spring
These are a few of my favorite things.”~Rodgers & Hammerstein
Our “silver white winter” has finally melted into spring. The scent of lilacs and Lily of the Valley fill the air. As the cool spring breezes carry the scent, their sweet fragrance welcome the new season. Birds are busy constructing their nests, laying eggs and raising young. The lawns fill-in and turn a vibrant shade of green. The sound of my husband mowing in the late afternoon is added to my soundtrack of life. Tasks include cleaning off the front and back porches and washing windows to allow the sun to shine through. Planning the vegetable garden, preparing the orchard trees for this years fruits, cleaning out garden beds. Busy as a bee setting about shaking off the cold months. The perfect time to “spring” into my first Blog Post.
The sum of our experiences, the people we meet for a short encounter and those who are family and life long friends—that is who we are to the core. Our farmhouse and gardens are casual, comfortable, and I hope, welcoming. Stories at every turn—each plant, each vase, each book. I surround myself with these objects because they are favorite stories in my life.
With the sun shinning and the lilacs in full bloom, I decided to celebrate “A Few of my Favorite Things”.
While the Peony is known as the queen of the garden, I consider the lilac her kind sister, the princess. When we moved from our last home to Belle Flower Farm I took cuttings from my first Mother’s Day gift—a lilac. Like many people—lilacs don’t like to move, their roots firm in their soil. I took a chance with several cuttings which now grace our gardens and remind me of motherhood as we plant a sweet addition each year since.
The antique cut crystal ice bucket, a wedding gift from a family friend, Dottie. Rattan wrapped bottles from my step father with their porcelain cap are a perfect remembrance of my relationship with this kind man, who enjoyed antiquing. From my mother—a cut and embroidered cotton table cloth and the sweetest vintage vase that belonged to her godmother, Esther. A favorite rose, aubergine colored tulip and fragrant stock are delightful garden additions.
One day I was at an Estate Sale when I came across an extremely large collection of cobalt blue eye wash wells. My thought many times since was what was the attraction—was her husband an Optometrist or did she just love the color blue. As my collection of vintage dogs, particularly terrier, continues to grow I may surprise myself with the my own number. Not only does it reflect my love of dogs but reminds me of the cute one my son bought for me with his own money as a little boy.
A collection of shells, rocks, twigs, sand are freely collected on our travels. Taking my mind to destinations near and far and are some of my most cherished memories with my husband and sons. A sunset photo—hand-in-hand with my sons many years ago included. Always preferring to stroll on the beach, my suitcase includes ziplock bags for collecting, sketchbook, pens and watercolors. The addition of a good book and I am all prepared to make new memories.
Vintage books continue to be a favorite hunt while at Estate Sales and shops. Always looking for favorite publishing houses and illustrations, it is always such a joy to find a date and name written on the cover page. Whether a Christmas or birthday gift, the soft thoughtful handwriting makes it an even lovelier discovery.
As styles come and go “Favorite Things” remain objects of the heart. They are the things that create the melody of our own story and how the lyrics weave with others in our lives. These are a Few of My Favorite Things.