Seasonal Bouquet


Holly-Wintertime Bouquet

Wintertime brings a chorus of celebrations & gifting. Holly, our festive floral offering that rings true to expressing love & kindness. Designed to be enjoyed from Christmas through Valentine’s Day.

A lovely brass compote holds a lush collection of red roses, white tea roses, Calla Lily, Alstroemeria, Allium, Dusty Miller, Carnations, Phlox & mixed greens including Eucalyptus.

Each bouquet that leaves our studio is delightfully individual. Photo is representative of this lush offering.  Seasonal blooms are chosen for freshness & beauty. On occasion blooms may need to be substituted if certain flowers are not available. Designer will curate blooms of equal or greater value at no additional charge.

Lily-Springtime Bouquet

Springtime arrives with emerging blooms, bird song & a basket full of celebrations. Whether arriving at an Easter brunch, Mother’s Day gift or baby/wedding shower, Lily is the perfect gift or centerpiece March-May.

A lovely brass compote holds a fresh collection of Peonies, Ranunculus, tulips, daffodils, Freesia, Mums, roses & mixed greens including Eucalyptus.

Iris-Summertime Bouquet

Summer days are an explosion of contrasts. 4th of July bar-be-cues to Rehearsal dinners. Graduations Open house to Anniversary gifts. Designed to gift or keep for your own table centerpiece June-August.

A lovely ceramic compote holds a cool collections of roses, hydrangea, Lisianthus, Lace flower, Lavender, Sea Holly, Carnations, Clematis & assorted greens.

Rosemary-Autumnal Bouquet

Fall breezes in with a grateful collection of gifting & entertaining opportunities. From condolences to anniversaries. Thanksgiving table to “wish we were there” gifts. Rosemary is a cozy botanical way to enjoy this delightful season September-November.

A lovely ceramic compote holds a curated collection of Heirloom mums, roses, marigolds, local tulips, strawflowers, flax, Yarrow, Globe Amaranth, & a mixed greens.

All bouquets measure approx. 12” x 13”, 17-22 stems with box, tissue & ribbon included.

Studio pickup or delivery available Tuesday-Saturday 10-4:00 pm, with 24 hour notice.

Please call for additional delivery quote & scheduling.

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Holly-Wintertime Bouquet

Wintertime brings a chorus of celebrations & gifting. Holly, our festive floral offering that rings true to expressing love & kindness. Designed to be enjoyed from Christmas through Valentine’s Day.

A lovely brass compote holds a lush collection of red roses, white tea roses, Calla Lily, Alstroemeria, Allium, Dusty Miller, Carnations, Phlox & mixed greens including Eucalyptus.

Each bouquet that leaves our studio is delightfully individual. Photo is representative of this lush offering.  Seasonal blooms are chosen for freshness & beauty. On occasion blooms may need to be substituted if certain flowers are not available. Designer will curate blooms of equal or greater value at no additional charge.

Lily-Springtime Bouquet

Springtime arrives with emerging blooms, bird song & a basket full of celebrations. Whether arriving at an Easter brunch, Mother’s Day gift or baby/wedding shower, Lily is the perfect gift or centerpiece March-May.

A lovely brass compote holds a fresh collection of Peonies, Ranunculus, tulips, daffodils, Freesia, Mums, roses & mixed greens including Eucalyptus.

Iris-Summertime Bouquet

Summer days are an explosion of contrasts. 4th of July bar-be-cues to Rehearsal dinners. Graduations Open house to Anniversary gifts. Designed to gift or keep for your own table centerpiece June-August.

A lovely ceramic compote holds a cool collections of roses, hydrangea, Lisianthus, Lace flower, Lavender, Sea Holly, Carnations, Clematis & assorted greens.

Rosemary-Autumnal Bouquet

Fall breezes in with a grateful collection of gifting & entertaining opportunities. From condolences to anniversaries. Thanksgiving table to “wish we were there” gifts. Rosemary is a cozy botanical way to enjoy this delightful season September-November.

A lovely ceramic compote holds a curated collection of Heirloom mums, roses, marigolds, local tulips, strawflowers, flax, Yarrow, Globe Amaranth, & a mixed greens.

All bouquets measure approx. 12” x 13”, 17-22 stems with box, tissue & ribbon included.

Studio pickup or delivery available Tuesday-Saturday 10-4:00 pm, with 24 hour notice.

Please call for additional delivery quote & scheduling.

Holly-Wintertime Bouquet

Wintertime brings a chorus of celebrations & gifting. Holly, our festive floral offering that rings true to expressing love & kindness. Designed to be enjoyed from Christmas through Valentine’s Day.

A lovely brass compote holds a lush collection of red roses, white tea roses, Calla Lily, Alstroemeria, Allium, Dusty Miller, Carnations, Phlox & mixed greens including Eucalyptus.

Each bouquet that leaves our studio is delightfully individual. Photo is representative of this lush offering.  Seasonal blooms are chosen for freshness & beauty. On occasion blooms may need to be substituted if certain flowers are not available. Designer will curate blooms of equal or greater value at no additional charge.

Lily-Springtime Bouquet

Springtime arrives with emerging blooms, bird song & a basket full of celebrations. Whether arriving at an Easter brunch, Mother’s Day gift or baby/wedding shower, Lily is the perfect gift or centerpiece March-May.

A lovely brass compote holds a fresh collection of Peonies, Ranunculus, tulips, daffodils, Freesia, Mums, roses & mixed greens including Eucalyptus.

Iris-Summertime Bouquet

Summer days are an explosion of contrasts. 4th of July bar-be-cues to Rehearsal dinners. Graduations Open house to Anniversary gifts. Designed to gift or keep for your own table centerpiece June-August.

A lovely ceramic compote holds a cool collections of roses, hydrangea, Lisianthus, Lace flower, Lavender, Sea Holly, Carnations, Clematis & assorted greens.

Rosemary-Autumnal Bouquet

Fall breezes in with a grateful collection of gifting & entertaining opportunities. From condolences to anniversaries. Thanksgiving table to “wish we were there” gifts. Rosemary is a cozy botanical way to enjoy this delightful season September-November.

A lovely ceramic compote holds a curated collection of Heirloom mums, roses, marigolds, local tulips, strawflowers, flax, Yarrow, Globe Amaranth, & a mixed greens.

All bouquets measure approx. 12” x 13”, 17-22 stems with box, tissue & ribbon included.

Studio pickup or delivery available Tuesday-Saturday 10-4:00 pm, with 24 hour notice.

Please call for additional delivery quote & scheduling.